Sunday, March 29, 2009

Caleg Artis, Who's Gonna Win This Battle?

Daftar Caleg Artis Pemilu
Celebrities make good candidates because of the "well-known" phenomenon. Voters often see celebrities as "people they know" this gives celebrities a kind of credibility that normal politicians do not have. Voters are much more likely to focus on their background and personality than their substantive stances.

But, being famous does not guarantee victory as seen by the failure of Saiful Jamil, unsuccessful "Walikota" candidacy.

So, who's gonna make it?

Partai Golkar:
Jeremy Thomas,
Tantowi Yahya,
Nurul Arifin.

Partai Demokrat:
Venna Melinda,
Angelina Sondakh,
Adjie Massaid.

Miing Bagito,
Rieke Dyah Pitaloka,
Eddo Kondologit,
Sonny Tulung.

Marini Zumarnis (Jabar V),
Eko Patrio (Jatim VIII),
Ikang Fawzi (Banten I),
Eka Sapta (Riau I),
Lucky Artadipraja (Jabar V),
Intan Sevilla (Jatim V),
Poppy Maretha (Lampung I),
Irene Librawati (Lampung II),
Derry Drajat (Jabar II),
Adrian Maulana (Sumbar II),
Raslina Rasyidin (Jakarta III),
Tito Soemarsono (Jabar VII),
Maylaffayza (Banten III),
Mandra (Jakarta I),
Mara Karma (Riau II),
Cahyono (Jatim III),
Krishna Mukti (Jabar IV),
Henidar Amroe (Jateng VII).

Ratih Sanggarwati,
Okky Asokawati,
Feryy Irawan,
Evi Tamala,
Mieke Wijaya,
Emilia Contessa,
Marissa Haque,
Tengku Firmansyah.

Gusti Randa
Anwar Fuadi
Elsa Syarif

Anna Tairas

Partai Damai Sejahtera
Thessa Kaunang,
Ricky Jo,
Tamara Geraldine,
Ronny Pangemanan.

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